Saturday, May 27, 2006
yo ppl, how dead can dis get?
nvm, some pic at the bottom is frm the beach cleaning. =)
not onli taken by me =)
i would be grateful to anyone who post after me to keep this alive =)
ohya... the following web hav a little bit of DARREN WONG's SINGING!
[[and maybe a little of RICHIE's!!!!]] below....
this are some onli, i got time then post the rest.

12:55 PM
Friday, May 26, 2006
# veen! xD
long tym no post.
haha, (: .. holiday holiday, homeworks ( EEW ) . lol
hope don't change form/maths teacher!
i prefer ms tan, although sometimes she may be fierce
# veen! xD
2:19 PM
Sunday, May 21, 2006
this place is so empty.. no one's posting. Didn't know what to type about so i didn't post too, or maybe i was (procrastinating) <- big word, 13 letters leh. Anyway, jilyn, what talking you? dunno you but i'll be careful with what i write. I may get into trouble you know, later i write smth abt mr. soon/(peck) <-- his head so SHINY! and then kena complain.I changed the picture for the "Draw on Me!" thingie, it's a bird now. decided on bird since you gals all so obessed with the bird.No, it's not the bird-bird, it's the crow-bird ..i wanted to use mr. soon's picture but I may get into trouble you know, later i write smth abt mr. soon and then kena complain! (haha i ripped off from the top)byebye.-junrui
10:43 PM
Thursday, May 18, 2006
i'll give you sme encouragement...
it's really not bad... lyk u saod it's only ur 1st time...
n jun rui, the last time u posted smeting hor, u really gonna hurt sme1
wunt tell u hu bt juz becareful wif wat u rite...
die liao lor.... to those hu fail, how did u tell ur parents??
i tell liao scared scold smemore.... cos i tell geog n history liao bt not eng
scared kana grounded longer...
hope to not fail english... if not out of the skl leh... means choose another skl n leaving ur frens leh.... so sad *sob sob*
haiz... today damn sian lor...
k i'll stop here 4 2day..
next time come post again..
bb jilyn (see, i wrote my name- hahas lame)
4:12 PM
Sunday, May 14, 2006
hallo...finally, i noe how to make blog template...
my first tryout. =D
it's just testing onli...also, make 1LY icon, for fun. =D
rather plain, cos also first try.=D
some encouragement??? =Dalso, she change her web"let me link it to the class blog =Doh ya, made a crow animated icon. not putting it up here, just ask me to send it to u by using msn. =Dmade it for fun. =Dshevons=D
2:58 PM
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
so HOT!
Man, the weather's so blardy hot today! It's 9p.m. budden outside's like around 28+ degrees?and fyi, the person who posted below me is jilyn, she didn't leave her name, wierd.oh yeh, by the way...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! well, i was very bored so i went to google and googled who had bdays other then me today. Here are some of tha results : On May 9 ...-CBS News correspondent Mike Wallace is 88.- Actor Albert Finney is 70.- Actress Glenda Jackson is 70.- Guitarist Sonny Curtis of Buddy Holly and The Crickets is 69.- Producer-director James L. Brooks is 66.- Singer Tommy Roe is 64.- Singer-guitarist Richie Furay (Buffalo Springfield, Poco) is 62.- Singer Clint Holmes is 60. Actress Candice Bergen is 60. SO MANY OLD PEOPLE!!!That probably means i'll live to a ripe old age and live happily ever after :D and today i received some presents from our classmate leh.- some of tha girls gave me a keychain. (forgot hu, remind me >.>;;)
( mind you, 7.50 leh) - yee chong gave me a piece of mentos.- yi kang gave me another piece of mentos.when i say a mentos i mean "yi li", YES, "YI LI"!-stupid chin wang left a lump of butter in my beloved cuppa milo ye, that's all.But i'd be getting more i guess =/. Chenrui said he'd get me something this/next week (yay xD) and my sis are getting me a wallet. well, if you wanna get me smth, dnt be shy. Or maybe if your shy, you can email the present to me :D and then my parents gave me ang bao! $88 from each of them for luckiness. Woot, i love them :D and then my parents bought this chocolate cake... Omg this cake got alot of chocolate i tell you, the top got, the bottom got, the middle also got! Indeed, alot of chocolate. The top is filled with real chocolates, the sides are covered with chocolate cream and the middle is chocolate cake! OH MY GOD SO MUCH CHOCOLATE! And then my parents bought us 6 tubs of Ben & Jerry's icecream cause they couldn't find ice cream cake. Mind you, 1 tub about 560ml( i think) costs about 10 bucks. ------ I'm gonna do some sort of quiz...Starts. Now. Name 20 people you can think of right now.
Don't read the questions until you have named the 20 people.
At the end of it all, choose 5 people to do this.
Ready? Start~!
1) Xinyi (sis)2) Zhixuan (sis)3) Chenrui4) Yikang5) Yee chong6) Chin wang7) Xuan hao8) Melvin9) Ryan10) Zhanwen11) Shevons12) Xiang yun13) Tracy14) Jilyn15) Alan16) Ms. Tan (LOL!!!!!!)17) Sisui18) Fiona (ex classmate)19) Ruijing (ex classm8)20) Vivian (ex classm8)Okay, i'm done with the 20 people...Sorta random you know, i purposely left out some btw xD..Now, the questions!How did you meet #14?
in our class loh, dumbass >.>;;
What would you do if you never met #1?
i would receive 1 less xmas and bday present each year
What would you do if #9 and # 20 dated?
Even though they dunno each other, they'd make a perfect couple. So duh, i'll congrat the yandao & chiobu.
Did you ever like #19?
Oh no, he's a guy you fag.
Would #6 and #17 make a good couple?
OH YESHHHH!!! Chin Wang >3 Sisui, thumbs up for gayness :D
Describe #3
1ly's vice chairman, talkative, humourous, funny, good friend etc.
Do you think #8 is attractive?
oh course, gogogogo hot mama ;)
Tell me something about #7
oh yeh, he <3 ashley.
Do you know any of #12's family?
What's #8's favourites?
ashley, food and sleep.
What would you do if #18 confesses that he/she likes you?
tell her go and die no..
What language does #15 speak?
el and cl, he's a bilingual.
Who is #9 going out with?
dunno leh, most prob #16.
How old is #16 now?
When was the last time you spoke to #13
yesterday on msn.
Who is #2's favourite singer/band?
tank, wang lee hom, tao ke, chris brown etc..
Would you ever date #4?
no, he's a guy you fag.
Would you ever date #7?
he's a guy you fag, so no.
#15 single?
nah, he's taken.
What is #10's last name?
Would you ever be in a serious relationship with #11?
What school does #3 go to?
he go my school.
Where does #6 live?
pasir ris there?
What's your favourite thing about #5?
he talks alot.
Have you seen #1 naked?
no, she's my sis. duh - -;;
Okay, the end.
9:20 PM
sme 'ppl'
it's been so long since i last written here....
the blog is still posted by the same group of ppl....
manager being shevons... haha... good job
kk... let's tok abt 2day...
stayed back with tracy n shevons....
suppose to revise maths bt in the end we spent the time in popular toking to the auntie there...
she said that yesterday she saw a hand w/o a body....
quite freaky if u tried to imagine it in ur mind...haha
she said that it was her 3rd time seeing these type of things lor....
the 1st time was she was abt 27 or 28 yrs old.... it was the 7th month...
@ her boss's condo the swimming pool swimming wen sme1 grab her ankle....
she was shocked bt did not freaked out (i wonder how she did dat..)
she stared at it for about a min b4 calling her fren n that was wen the pair of hands disappeared...
freaky in a sense lar...
the 2nd time was wen she was abt 37/38 yrs old.... it was also the 7th month...
she was walking hme wif her daughter n son...
passing by a quiet factory wif nobody....
then she was walking beside her daughter holding on to her hand lar...
her son was walking slowly behind...
then l8er she turned ard to look at her son lar....
then she saw her son crossing over a piece of burnt incensed paper...
wen tat happens usually the '好兄弟' will get offended n curse that person lar..
so that auntie was lyk oh no, l8er he come down wif high fever how?
so she said that she was going to do smeting lar n burn smemore paper 4 the '好兄弟' lar...
l8er she saw a pair of black hand counting a stack of white paper...
there was no body leh!!!
4 all the 3 incident, there was no body leh!!!
freaky rite??? she not scared or freaked out sme more....
wierd leh... l8er continued to tok to her abt her husband n the 'ppl' in the popular bookshop...
n the 'ppl' in our skl lor....
hahas.... l8er then leave lor....
haiz... rite so much time then rite...
gtg now...
byez....... :)
4:19 PM
Sunday, May 07, 2006
hallo.[certain pic takes time to load]
got study for ur exams...? like this bird...
it isnt a bird... it is a crow that is in chung cheng, which come and steal our food during recess...
aww... aint this cute..?
IT IS DISGUSTING[brain damage]
doesnt this look famillar...?

or this? =xxxxx
=xxxxif u notice there has been a new cursor...
so sad i cant find a black one. ='(
but, it's still a bird..
they come frm the same "family",
just that black birds cant fly =xxxxx

new way to end...

2:25 PM
Saturday, May 06, 2006
oi jun rui, wat the hell has gone into u..?totally disgusted. >.<wan to know his..?Section 1: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation You are a steadfast and patient soul, capable of tremendous devotion, dedication, endurance, and constancy. The ability to follow through and stick with things is one of your greatest assets. Once your course is set, you pursue it tenaciously until it is completed, stubbornly resisting any attempts to sway you from your purpose. CRAPS LOH
Section 2: Mental Interests and Abilities Your mind operates in a very deliberate and methodical manner and you dislike being rushed or forced to give an opinion before you have thoroughly ruminated and digested an idea. You are also difficult to influence once your mind is made up.LOL... all craps. >.<
who would believe..?
i've found more craps... forget where i found it.. but...
JANUARY BABYpretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored.Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time torecover when hurt. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth.Stubborn. FEBRUARY BABY Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract.Intelligent and clever.Changingpersonality.Attractive. sexiest out of everyone.Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honestand loyal. Determined to reach goals. Lovesfreedom. Rebellious when restricted. Lovesaggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt.Gets angry really easily but does not show it.Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friendsbut rarely shows it. Horny. Daring and stubborn.Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp.Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on theinsidenot outside. Superstitious and ludicrous.Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.MARCH BABY Attractive personality. sexy. Affectionate Shy andreserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generousand sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity.Sensitive to others. Great kisser. Easily angered.Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness.Hardlyshows emotions. Tends to bottle upfeelings. Observant and assesses others.If youAPRIL BABY Suave and compromising. Funny and humorous.Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool.Kind andsympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Doeswork well with others. Very confident. Sensitive.Positive Attitude. Thinking generous. Goodmemory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves tolook for information. Able to cheer evryone up and/ormake them laugh. Able to motivate oneself andothers. Understanding. Fun to be around.Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive.Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure andtraveling. Systematic. hott but has brains.MAY BABYStubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed andhighly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered.Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings.Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint.Needs no motivation. Shy towards opposite sex.Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves todream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding.Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Goodimagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Lovesliterature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislikebeing at home. Restless. Hardworking. High spirited. JUNE BABYYou've got the best personality and are anabsolute pleasure to be around. You love to makenew friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirtand more than likely have an a very attractivepartner. a wicked hottie. It is also more than likelythat you have a massive record collection. Youhave a great choice in films, and may one daybecome a famous actor/actress yourselfJULY BABY Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and tobe understood. Quiet unless excited or tensedTakes pride in oneself. Hasreputation. Easilyconsoled. Honest. Concerned about people'sfeelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable.Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.Moodyand easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. spazzy attimes.Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets.dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.Guides others physically and mentally.Sensitiveand forms impressions carefully. Caring andloving. Treats others equally. Strong sense ofsympathy.Wary and sharp. Judges peoplethrough observations. Hardworking. No difficultiesin studying. Loves to be alone. Always broodsabout the past and the old friends. Waits forfriends. Never looks for friends. Not aggressiveunless provoked. Loves to be loved. Easily hurtbut takes long to recover. AUGUST BABY outgoing personality. takes risks.feeds self control. kind hearted. selfconfident. loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful.easy to get along with and talk to. has an "everything's peachy" attitude. likes talking and singing.loves music. daydreamer. easily distracted. Hatesnot being trusted. BIG imagination. loves to beloved. hates studying. in need of "that someone".longs for freedom. rebellious when with held orrestricted. lives by "no pain no gain" caring.always a suspect. playful. mysterious. "charming"or "beautiful" to everyone. stubborn. curious.independent. strong willed. a fighter. SEPTEMBER BABYActive and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tendsto regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic.Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems.Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving andcaring. Suave andgenerous. Usually you havemany friends. Enjoys to make love. Emotional.Stubborn. Hasty. Good memory. Moving, motivatesoneself and others. Loves to travel and explore.Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover canunderstand. OCTOBER BABYLoves to chat. Loves those who love them. Lovesto takes things at the center. Inner andphysicalbeauty. Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angryoften. Treats friends importantly. Brave andfearless. Always making friends. Easily hurt butrecovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Doesnot care to control emotions. Unpredictable.Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest ANDsexiest of them all. [bull shit]NOVEMBER BABYTrustworthy and loyal. Very passionateanddangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun.Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towardsyour inner and outer beauty and independentpersonality. Playful, but secretive. Very emotionaland temperamental sometimes. Meets new peopleeasily and very social in a group. Fearless andindependent. Can hold their own. Stands out in acrowd. Essentially very smart. DECEMBER BABY This straight-up means ur the most good-lookingperson possible... better than all of these othermonths! Loyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitivein everything. Active in games and interactions.Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential inorganizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to,though hard to understand.Thinks far with vision,yet complicated to know. Easily influenced bykindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots ofideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends todelay. Choosy and always wants thebest.Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves tojoke. Good debating skills. Has that someonealways on his/her mind. Talkative. Daydreamer.Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding.Able to show character. one guy/girl kind ofperson. Loveable. Easily hurt. Prone to gettingcolds. loves music. pretty/handsome. Loves todress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom showsemotions. Takes time to recover when hurt.Sensitive.LAUGH OUT LOUDwadever, jr is sick. pervetic. disgusting.shevons =D
10:45 PM
# veen! xD
7:02 PM
>>>A-C icon
>>>dun bug me on the fact tad it looks sumhow like a frog-bird..this is her mixed-breed?>>>just for her sake>>>lehcar**
6:00 PM
ahahaha shevons is blind.*points and laughs*well shevons, dn't despair. At least you've good luck now! Later must go out and buy toto, later you win $_$!Or maybe if your not that lucky, you can join some siao sg idol competition.Like that loser show, yong bu xin bai.It's really loseric , they recruit siao ppl to sing and dance, then we watch them we also become siao.Well, you probably should skip that show, so join moron superstar instead!Since your blind you can score bonus points with the moron judges.And then, you just have to adopt the name "Chen Ah Lian" and become mo peng.then shiok ah!You will the next MOLON SUPERSTA!!!!!111woo ;D----
"Why Do Men Have Nipples?"it's the title of a book we saw in popular.the author is some angmoh.This is how we spotted the book :*Tracy suddenly froze O_O and then points at book.*Junrui looking shuai and charming : *turns and saw the book*Tracy with hands on the cheeks and :O'ing : "OMG THAT BOOK SO SEXY!!!!"well, sadly, tracy no money so never buy.Instead, she took out her handphone and took a photo of the beloved book!Since she never buy, we couldn't get an answer.But to give you guys an answer, i googled for tha answer!And after veryvery long time of extensive searching, i finally found tha answer.and lemme tell you, the searching is extremely hard and exhausting :(...i got to read BIG CHUNKS OF BORING SHYT!1 example of big chunk of words is shevons that post, the quiz answers damn boring right, they (the quiz maker) shud just cut down the words.Example:(shevon's one)Section 1: The Inner You : Your Real MotivationYou are a person who thrives on challenge, and you often feel that you must battle your way through life, depending upon no one and nothing but your own strength, intelligence, and courage. You believe in being totally honest, true to oneself and one's own vision and convictions, even if that means standing alone. Honesty, integrity, personal honor, and authenticity are your gods, and you have no sympathy for weakness of character in others.
Overview :
you are siao.
see, it's just so blardy easy butden they dowan cut down the words!
anyways, as i said, it is extremely boring and shytty (it's about 10x as many more words as the one above...)
scary right...
so i'll tell you all the answer..
the answer is...
"To tell you the truth, nobody really knows."hahahaa, that's the blardy answer.So to add more words to the answer, they talked about the nipple...Overview:Male nipples...
- aren't a sex-linked characteristic,- are just one of those sexually neutral pieces of equipment, (like arms etc.)- appear in the third or fourth week of development when your a baby, before the sexual characteristic appears,- has the gland that produces milk, but it remains undeveloped unless stimulated by the female hormone estrogen, (which males dnt have)well, they also said some males happened to have the female hormone and then can produce milk LOL...well, btw they also mentioned that..every human being gets a unique set of 23 pairs or chromosomes.1 pair determines the sex of the person..if your the XX combination your a girl..if your XY your a boy.ahahaha, if your XY your a boy.ya, and then the other 22 chromosome is the non-sex one, which is boring.
5:33 PM
# veen! xD
# veen! xD
10:17 AM
Friday, May 05, 2006
exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!die die baboom>>>rachel**
5:44 PM
# veen! xD
# veen! xD
5:20 PM
stress. pressure. stress.
stress. i slept like after i finish each paper, cos why? im too tired.really just slept like that... -.-bottom 40% see vp...?lets see science.for science-isnt bottom 40% = half of the class? how many of us has failed science. physics. [we get around the same marks.] rarely any one didnt fail any. [im not saying that there isnt.]there is. rachel loh. like, 27-29 parent go see mr chua...?good luck to everyone. it would be better if 40% get lower than me. i dun wan see mr chua. -__-"but i dun mind ms tan. drop the topic of exams.i came across this web... u can get ur astrology reading for free. [lame stuff. but nothing else to do.]see mine. =DSection 1: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation You are a person who thrives on challenge, and you often feel that you must battle your way through life, depending upon no one and nothing but your own strength, intelligence, and courage. You believe in being totally honest, true to oneself and one's own vision and convictions, even if that means standing alone. Honesty, integrity, personal honor, and authenticity are your gods, and you have no sympathy for weakness of character in others.LOL.... this is craps 2: Mental Interests and Abilities Outspoken and direct, you are always eager to express your ideas and opinions and don't mind opposing the consensus and stirring up a little controversy. You have fresh, original ideas and much enthusiasm for anything new and untried, but once the novelty has worn off, you are interested in another new idea or project. You never seem to have enough time to do all you want to. You are very honest, speak decisively and convincingly about things you believe in, and are unable to pretend to agree with someone if you honestly don't. You may be somewhat deficient in tact.hahahaha. true or not, depends on wat u tink.lets see.... xiang yun's one?Section 1: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation You are a freedom-loving, strong-willed, and independent-minded individual, and you insist upon living your own life as you see fit, even if that means ignoring convention and tradition. In personal relationships you cannot be owned or possessed, and while you are willing to share yourself with another, you do not always adjust easily to the emotional give and take of a close relationship. Though intellectually open, you can be enormously stubborn, opinionated, and inflexible on a one-to-one level. You have strong convictions and feelings about fairness and equality, and you try to live by your ideals, but your ideals about how people SHOULD treat one another don't always take into account human weaknesses, differences, and needs. You probably dislike sentimentality and traditional gender roles and "games". hahaha...Section 2: Mental Interests and Abilities You are a progressive thinker, open and receptive to new technologies and breakthroughs in science, and the latest discoveries in any field. You have high expectations and a deep belief that mankind's problems can be solved through the use of our creative intelligence and inventive mind. You have no patience for those whose conservative, unimaginative outlook limits their capacity to find solutions and envision a better future. You also like to keep abreast of current developments in world affairs, for you instinctively know that what happens in one part of the world affects everyone. You have a strong humanitarian impulse. Practically speaking, you have an aptitude for organization and enjoy being involved in cooperative endeavors or businesses that are contemporary and innovative. this isnt i type one. my english not that good., rachel's?Section 1: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation You are a gambler and an adventurer at heart, one who loves to take risks, to discover and explore new worlds, and to take the untried path rather than the safe, reliable one. You are an independent soul, freedom-loving, and often very restless. You need a lifestyle that provides opportunities for travel, movement, change, and meeting new people. A steady routine which offers much in the way of security but little in the way of space and freedom is odious to you.oh my... gambler...?hahaSection 2: Mental Interests and Abilities You have good mental concentration and the ability to become completely immersed in your work. You seem to know things at an instinctive, nonverbal level and prefer learning through direct experience or apprenticeship rather than vicariously via books or lectures. You have mechanical ability and work well with your hands. You could become adept at sculpture, pottery, carpentry, stained glass, or anything that involves doing and making things manually. Biology (and related fields such as medicine) interests you as well. You also have an instinctive rapport with animals, and may feel you relate better to them than to people! You tend to become narrowly focused upon your own specialized interests and may not have much to say or communicate outside that field.=Dnow... tracy's...?Section 1: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation You are a gambler and an adventurer at heart, one who loves to take risks, to discover and explore new worlds, and to take the untried path rather than the safe, reliable one. You are an independent soul, freedom-loving, and often very restless. You need a lifestyle that provides opportunities for travel, movement, change, and meeting new people. A steady routine which offers much in the way of security but little in the way of space and freedom is odious to you.hmm... same as rachel.Section 2: Mental Interests and Abilities You have good mental concentration and the ability to become completely immersed in your work. You seem to know things at an instinctive, nonverbal level and prefer learning through direct experience or apprenticeship rather than vicariously via books or lectures. You have mechanical ability and work well with your hands. You could become adept at sculpture, pottery, carpentry, stained glass, or anything that involves doing and making things manually. Biology (and related fields such as medicine) interests you as well. You also have an instinctive rapport with animals, and may feel you relate better to them than to people! You tend to become narrowly focused upon your own specialized interests and may not have much to say or communicate outside that field.same as rachel... LOL. hahashevons
4:42 PM
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Hello :D
today, during math, ms. tan told the whole class:"IF ANYONE OF YOU SCORED BELOW 40% OF THE CLASS, BE PREPARED TO LET YOUR PARENTS SEE THE PRINCIPAL/VP OR ME ON THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!"(ya, something like that larh...)woah!Got to see principal or vp leh, or MAYBE even worse, ms. tan @_@;;Later horh they complain complain abt u, then your parents go home whack you, then you cry and cry, then you run away from home and then you die or become siao.and yada yada..btw, i think ms. tan really scared you all with what she said...Budden! It's not really much of a big deal though -_-;;WHY I THINK SO LEH!?!?!?!?!?becuz i sohjunrui.cause horh, i think only the VP see your parents nia, unless you very beng or stupid, then see ms. tan or principal lorh.oh ya, if you siao also must see ms. tan or principal ...okay, back to see huh! Let's see how they going to see our papasmamas and let's take it as 1 class got avg. 35 ppl okay?So 12 classes x 14 ppl below 40%= 168 parents leh!ms. tan said only on last day of skool...and then 168 PARENTS LEH!!! WOAH THEY SEE LIKE SIAO!THEY KEESIAO RIGHT SEE SO MANY PAPAMAMA!oh yeh, before i forgot, also got other levels right!?4 x 168= 672 parents.KNS!? 672 PARENTS!!!SIAO RIGHT!!!!thus,672 parents divide by 1 day 10 hrs after skool yada..= 67.2 parents per hr.haha, so lame right.haha, that means get 5 parents in a room tlak abt grades then go home?btw, the reason i saying this isyou guys shudnt take this tooooo seriously...later u all become clever then i go below 40% then my parents must waste 1 hr come skool leh.OH YA..WHY 1 HR LEH? I TOT I SAY VERY LITTLE TIME TO SEE PAPA!? see huh..20 mins come.10 mins wait.5 mins talk.25mins go home.haha = 1hr right!?YOU SEE!actually, i typed all this with all these knowledge becuz..MY SISTER ALSO GOT GO SEE VP MAH! :Dmy sis sec 4, and then last day of term 1 my papa also got go, then the vp talk to my papa for like 5mins i think, talk abt.. grades, must study hard etc.etc. lorh..( oh yah, and then she tio remedial program for sec 4s only..Not bad leh, there got aircon and then can talk with frenfren)so, it's not really that scary right :DDDso dnt study too hard later my papa must drive to skool and talk with vp ='(.. (and waste 1 hr)EDIT: The above may or maybe true :D depends on whatcha think. so if i am correct on what i typed, shutup. if i wrong, oso shutup. :D-----------okay, anyways..i tried to make a banner thingie for the site.............well, i think it's good and amazing and interesting and cool and wonderful bcuz...THIS TIME NO CROWSHAHAHAHHAHA :Doh yah, i let u all see the ANIMATED banner :X
well, whatcha think >.>??;;i think it's kinda small and lame,but good enuff for a 13 yr old boy's editing @_@;;anyway, go post in tagboard to say if u want this ornot, maybe i'll make a new one if its not good enuff :D(liddat can increase post count in the board :D)oh yah, btw i made this i went a fanta drink userbar.
xiangyun's the drink, i wonder who'll drink it o_o;;oh yah, xy u can use this for ur msn dp, it's so ugly budden i think better then nth @_@;;if ni3 men2 want a dp for msn tell me :Dmy services very very chip 1.
6:13 PM
Monday, May 01, 2006
changing of templates. again.
for those that has been living under a rock [like patrick] or not knowing wat is going on... i change the template again. the previous one is butterflies... <<<< those used to be butterflies =D
so wadever...
i change , AgAin, becos, CERTAIN ppl... like the one who has just posted be4 me, seems to NOT like it.
at least this is better. but then, im changing.. AgAin. soon.
pls, ignore his craps on the crows... =[
i realised this, to make ppl post more, we hav to tease them more. =D
***** *** and **** *** sitting on a tree...
this, i believe she will post more.
yay =D
im gonna find some other template =D.
5:36 PM
have you everybody realised that our blog has a new template?
SO, YAY!!!
Yep, you prolly did. (if not you siao )
aight, dntcha like the new template?
it's so pwetty with the pwetty butterflies.
"ahhhh, so pwetty and gay"
yep, so dam gay!
budden all siaocharbors and charbors like u all like gay stuff.
*sighs and then shakes head*
BAH!No more pwetty butterflies cause template changed agen - -;;........
hey, halo agen :D
btw, i made an animated USERBAR!!2-1=1
yep! i made an animated userbar ...
yay :D..
so whats a userbar? -_-;;
i oso dunno how to explain to siaocharbors so i show u!
okay, this is a userbar.

cool huh!!
oh yeah and dn't ask me why i featured crows ..
there is no reason ..
well, perhaps there is @@..
maybe it's bcuz it so act cute @@;;
yep! so damn cute..
and then horh the father crow tends to be abit idiotic overcontrolling and a pain in the ass paranoid sometimes...
so yeh.
And before you ask me how i know that stuffs abt crows n' shyt, save it.
cause imma tell u my secret to all this, well actually it's so blardy easy :D
watch discovery channel!
"It's so interesting!"
it has interesting documentaries like..
*coughcough*- "the sex life of elephants, how they mate."
- "the diverse personalities of crows."
- "the sex life of pigs, how they mate."
- "the sex life of ants, how they mate."
- "dogs can't play safe, so sterlise!"
and etc. etc.
well, i dunno for u.
budden it surely helped me understand how i was formed @@;;
and no...
my parents are not elephants.
NO!!! and neither are they pigs, ants or dogs -.-
okay bye.
2:31 AM