Thursday, August 31, 2006
- those who do not have the d&t worksheet, please take them from me.
- those who do not have the mathematics worksheet A2, please take them from Ms Anisa.
- please print the d&t worksheet and the geography worksheet from the asknlearn website.
- please pass up history content test on chapter ten: external threats, after completing corrections, to Sheldon.
- complete all holiday homework before school reopens.
5:51 PM
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Holiday Homework
here to remind all 1LY students about the September holiday homework...
' Mathematics End of Year Examination 2003 PI & PII
' Mathematics E-Learning Worksheet
' Science E-Learning Worksheet
' Geography E-Learning Worksheet
' D&T E-Learning Worksheet on Orthographic Projection
' Science Chapter 5 Worksheet
' Chinese xi zi 20-25 with exception of 21
' Chinese journal (zhou ji)
1. duo zi duo cai de di san xue duan
' Chinese newspaper cutting (jian bao)
1. ni tong yi qi da nei yong tou zhuang dao ma te la qi ma?
2. jia ru ni shi qi da nei ni hui zhe me zuo ma? wei shen me?
' Music project
' Longman: Geography Skills for Lower Secondary
things to bring for the Geography and Mathematics make-up lessons
' The Blue Marble
' Longman: Geography Skills for Lower Secondary
' Thread (Not string)
' Ruler
' Mathematical set (for Mapwork)
' Maths Worksheet A2
tests coming up after September holidays
' History Content Test on Chapter 7 - Scientific and Artistic Achievements
' Geography Class Test on Rocks, Erosions, Weathering and Mapwork
make-up lessons in September holidays
' Geography - 4 September 2006 from 9 am to 11 am
' Mathematics - 4 September 2006 from 12.30 pm to 2 pm OR
- 8 September 2006 from 9 am to 11 am
8:38 PM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
End Of Year Time Table
for the end of year examinations, there are only 33 days and less left for us to study for them. besides, to add on to our stress, there is an acc exam, which many people doze off during the boring lesson. to remind ly students about the impending examinations, this will be the time table for us:
ON 29 September 2006, Friday
' English P1 - 0800 to 0945 (1 h 45 min)
' Chinese P1 - 1045 to 1215 (1h 30 min)
ON 02 October 2006, Monday
' History - 0800 to 0930 (1 h 30 min)
ON 03 October 2006, Tuesday
' Geography - 0800 to 0930 (1 h 30 min)
ON 04 October 2006, Wednesday
' English Literature - 0800 to 0930 (1 h 30 min)
ON 05 October 2006, Thursday
' Science - 0800 to 1000 (2 h)
ON 06 October 2006, Friday
' Mathematics P1 - 0800 to 0900 (1 h)
ON 09 October 2006, Monday
' English P2 - 0800 to 0930 (1 h 30 min)
ON 10 October 2006, Tuesday
' Chinese P2 - 0800 to 0930 (1 h 30 min)
ON 11 October 2006, Wednesday
' Mathematics P2 - 0800 to 0930 (1 h 30 min)
ON 12 October 2006, Thursday
' ACC - 0800 to 0830 (30 min)
8:52 PM
VEEN here. [ class tee ]
Erm, came up with this design. -.- took quite a while to find those brushes.

2:03 AM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
last one:

5:21 PM
Homework for the weekend
as requested, these are the homework for the weekend:
' English Informal Letter Writing
' Art Project (newspaper cutting)
' Music Project
' D&T isometric drawing of your product
' Science worksheet on Separation Techniques (unsure)
' The Sixth Sense worksheet if not completed
' Chinese workbook EXERCISE 24 if not completed
' CME workbook 1-27/28 (choose page 27 or page 28 to complete) if not completed
' History workbook pages 115-119 if not completed
items to be brought on Monday:
' Longman: Geography Skills for Lower Secondary
' Thread (Not string)
' Ruler
' Mathematical set
tests coming up:
' Science Test - Chapter 7: Mixtures, Chapter 8: Solutions and Suspensions & Chapter 9: Cells (Wednesday, 30 August after school)
' History Content Test - Chapter 7: Scientific and Artistic Achievements (Term 4)
' Geography Class Test - Rocks, Weathering, Erosion and Map Reading (Friday, 15 September from 2.15pm to 2.50pm)
5:19 PM
yay :D more designs
i made some more class-tee designs, didn't follow the colors by the poll at the bottom. mix-matched the colors myself.
click on the thumbnails to enlarge
(ranked in order by when it was made,)


change of colors

i like this one :D

almost identical to the 3rd one, just without the inner-glow-thing in the words. I heard
somewhere for shirt printing, printshops charge you by colors (&otherstuffs).
comments on the tagboard please :D
criticism on where to improve & which one looks best, i'll print it out & bring it to skl on monday.
12:35 PM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
class tee.
I came up with some designs for the class tee, comments please.
A little disorganised, first try :D.
2nd try, a little neater.
Last try, changed the heart to
red and cut out on words :D.
Oh yah, the first two tees has the meaning of
loyalty cus i cudn't think of any words >.>; So i went to and searched
loyalty lol xD.
I left the heart at the right hand side cus when you wear it, it'll at the left side of your chest =/.

edit 1.

edit 2.
8:12 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
class t-shirt
just some design i came up wif, looks abit bloody -.-"

3:21 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
changing of blogskin
time for a change in blogskin... i hav selected a few and i wan some comments if u wan tis or u hav something better. if hav, just post the url. the final one....
some ppl will just go crazy over it. then tell me, i go change =D
4:08 PM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

well i like using this as my tagbox =D
so lalala this is the only good point of all ohanians :D
9:44 PM
havent posted for quite some time...
btw do you find this familiar?

yes, it's the same bird credit card advertisement (maple style).
found it at here .
and you can also use this template to plan the class tee, even though i dont know how the whole thing works at all

8:53 PM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
yea well lets use the blogs as our new tagboard uncle dommie. anyways : i vote the SEX TEST! yea we'll go like this.. Whats your sex and teh options will go like GAYSHIT, LESHIT, FEEMALE AND MALEEE. and guess what ladies, its
confidential. :)
-ryan lee wen.
8:59 PM
todays lesson damn boring can.wanna fall asleep de.n im suprised tad ppl will actually like pe lessons according to the poll.haha=)
6:24 PM