Friday, August 31, 2007
hello friend. excitement is come. month 1 of timing is exam. after many month in 2ly. how you are? good? i is glad. it be end soon. 2 loyalty is no more mans much water is come to eyeball. 2 month more for togethering of us. how friend feel?
11:17 PM

11:06 PM
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Homework for Holidays
Homework for holidays:- English Comprehension Worksheet
- Chinese Holiday Assignment
- Online Assignment
- username: 7-digit NRIC number
password: password
- Chinese Letter Writing
- Organise Chinese File
- Chinese Worksheet on Chapter 24
- Mathematics Worksheet E1 (bring on Monday 3 Sep)
- Mathematics Worksheet C1 and C2 (to be completed and brought on Monday 3 Sep)
- Mathematics Compiled Revision Papers (to be done in holidays)
- Organise Mathematics File (may have a file check)
- Science Worksheets 1 and 2 on Atoms and Molecules
- Read up powerpoint on Molecules and Chemical Formulae on asknlearn
- Download the powerpoint on Balancing of Equations
- Complete the e-learning worksheet
- History- Read up on Chapter 10 and make notes
- History Worksheet on Chapter 9
- Do up all overdue History Worksheets
- Literature Holiday Assignment on Dragon Book of Verse and answer questions that follow
- The Charge of the Light Brigade
- Art Project on selected artists
- Art Painting related to Marc Chagall's paintings
- Music Project- Music Room will be opened from 9 am to 3 pm from Mondays to Thursdays in the holidays
* Words in cyan are added after the original post
6:33 PM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
This is the things our class did to our tagboard, but don't know which idiot went to delete EVERYTHING. Luckily, certain someone [who want to remain anonymous] saved part of this tag before that idiot deleted everything.
Well, read from bottom to top.
No offense to teacher who somehow come in and read. All this are poor imitating by all of us.
Miss Han: i am cute
kwek(squared): rays ass is too sexy
you: i love yhou too
jh: pread fats to u
mr sim: KOPI SUSU
jh: stop la...if nt i
jh: ilove u
miss tan: han lin~~~~
Alan: i love myself
ms kwek: i love ray too...i am a flirt
gay: i love boys
jh: to think you are [playing here
jh: stop spamming ****
JH: if u dont think im hot, i will prove to yyou. see me in man hunk search
JH: i lurveee to fk myself
miss tan: i agree
jh: waych your step MY MOTHER'S UNCLE
jh: faggots ****face ppl
my mother's uncle: oi simi sai
misshan: my nipples are dented.HOWHOWHHOW?
my mother's uncle: wah lao jh vulgar sia
mr sim: SUSU!!!!
jh: today after school go fight.
jh: *****es
...: ._.
melvin: i hav no brains
miss qwek: i love royy!!!!!
gay: I like boys
jh: go home suk cok
anthony macdoughnald: i love boys named harry
jh: **** u all
my mother's uncle: wah ji hao you bonafied jackass
miss tan: Why is no one listening? I said SWEEP THE FLOOR 2LY
misshan: i got big boooobs(:
jh: come ar i waiting
my mother's uncle: stop bloody using teacher's name
yang yan: JIANG HUA DE!
yangyan: what is fu ck?
ashley: i sucks hooray =)
miss tan: why is the class so dirty?!?!
jh: my butt bigger
my mother's uncle: check the dic you bonafied jackass
devil: **** all of u
melvin: dun u wish ur asshole was wide lyk mine?
mr chua: ppl sux
code: hi fake jh you like it right, i will give it to you
jh: i think mine bigger than him. i make him jealous
mrs ho: don't say the f word... god is watching
melvin: i have a sexy gf haha
mr tan: FOCUS! if nt cannot do pure sci
my mother's uncle: thats not a poser
susan low: you two sexy hotties,shut the f up.iknw you wna go to bed w me.pls buy condoms first hor.shuttup and OFFYOUGO~
jh: yucks i don't do that with that kind of people
xy: ilovedarrenwong forever! HES MINE
jh: is my butt fatter than mr leong???
mr chua: **** u
melvin: those doin tis is stupid...all are f u c k i n g idiots
my mother's uncle: hHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
mr soon: yours lah!
lol: Hi peopel
melvin: gays lyk me a super cool =P
ashley: many posers lol
Mr. Leong: See who's butt bigger la!!
mr chua: sks bully
mr soon: mr chua shut up
dw: i luv u to
vice chair: oi fockus hor
melvin: i gay with jh
S.s: The best blog eva? 0.o"
xuanhao: lols
yuanhui: i am stupid haha =)
xy: ilove dw
mr chua: marcus shut up
Class chairman: NOOBS
melvin: am i liked by other people?
ashley: dun u wish ur gf was hot lyk me
shevons: i like big nose
ashley: o.0
class chairman: hansel u gay\
yuanhui: i try to steal ashley from sidney sia!! xuanhao must be so sad
melvin: i have a big butt
code: having fun here?
jh: stop making fun of me!!i know i very busybody and pervertic,but dont make fun of me
melvin: sweating hawt
the got-life melvin: i still think im hott(:
jr: ohh nooo say wrongly,i got PIMPLES&DIMPLES,
the no-life melvin: im hot
code: i do agree that melvin is one
the no-life melvin: sisui ur not the chair u mtf im am
melvin: duh. i am
the no-life melvin: im think im sexy
Class chairman: ****ING NOOB PEOPLE OF 2 LY
jr: i have pimples
the no-life melvin: i think im hot
ryan: oi simi sai
ashley: me too =P
ashley: i love sidney
ryan: i have pimples
melvin: im a faggot (((:
shevons: i les w tracy(:
ryan: that was jr
sks: lol
melvin: i causes pollution all over!!
ryan: shutup la marcus
ashley: i tag myself also forget stupid me =)
sks: **** u
ryan: jh wear more, cause he need protection he scared rape
Class chairman: For several moments, im actually ashamed of you guys
sks: marcus hijack my com
jh: hi melvin nice commenting on me right?!
ashley: me lorr!i tag as me.i love melvin,richie,jh(:
jh: how can your all insult me like that?at least my results better than your all and i also taller,more pervertic too!so stop making fun of me!!!
ashley: knn. who tag as me lol
marcus: i wear red underwear
sks: hansel sux
jr: so many leh
jr: darren wong wear 3 underwear HAHAHHAHA
ashley: i love richie
jr: 8D
jr: marcus and hansel SUCKS
darren wong: i wear 3 underwear
melvin: i love myseld i think im hot y wud i haf to work so hard for ashley? im so hot
sks: marcus sux
jr: hi melmel
marcus: hansel sux
Richie: Btw, i have TUITION, WHATS TUITION IN CHINESE? gimme your ans lor..=)
melvin: hi i knw im a big fat faggot thankyou(:
sisui: i spam cos i dun wan ppl to steal my teh susu
jr: KANASAI. i didnt know coffee talks
Richie: Please, just address me as: *****IE
melvin: and im smelly
code: you mean pork chop?!
Melvin: Believe me pls
melvin: i am a piece of pig lard
Thanks for saving this tag.
3:28 PM
Homework & Tests:- English Comprehension Worksheet (Monday)
- Chinese Worksheet on Chapter 24 (Monday)
- Maths Worksheet E1 (Monday)
- History Worksheet on Reliability (Wednesday)
- Geography Post-Trip Assignment (Friday)
- Literature Worksheet on Style
- Chinese Tingxie on Chapters 13 and 24 (Monday)
- Chinese Oral (Tuesday)
- Chinese Test 5 on Chapters 13, 21 and 24 (Thursday)
11:16 AM
Friday, August 17, 2007
photos during geog fieldtrip
more photos....

this is a picture of "big butt" hahas.. mr leong, tcher-in-charge of our class

the boys in the bus... n it will be for the next few photos..

this is the photo of the ppl in the bus.. e next one too..

dominic's hand...

maths homework for the weekend! enjoy ur weekend ppl!
8:15 PM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
After lessons,
wrapping something -coughcoughs-


finishing up the plastic foil



Yikang takes darren yap's bag

xiangyun takes yikang's bag
on the bus back,

brian says no

yikang wears the headrest sideways

11:32 PM
TMR HV GEOG TEST. TMD ._.and is class tee still on? zzzz
6:49 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Homework for National Day holidays:- Chinese Essay on [ You Qian Jiu You Xin Fu Ma? ]
- Maths Worksheet D3
- Maths Worksheet D4
- Maths Revision Worksheet (Mensuration)
- Geography Workbook Activity 9.1
- Art- Draw and paint Vincent van Gogh's Sunflowers on a sketch book and also on an A3 paper
- Literature Performance Assessment D:
- Group 4- Hand in Reflections tomorrow
- Group 1- Hand in Evaluations tomorrow
4:50 PM
Thursday, August 09, 2007
im finally give admin*
CHEN here
n jr wans me to put dis in (:

12:21 PM